I need a website. How do I build a website?

We hope you find this page useful when you are deciding how to build a website yourself or if you need a website professionally made for you.

Website Usability

The main focus for a website should always be usability. Why? Because in the end, who is using the website? A user! You should consider several aspects when designing a website.

1. Goals

  • Why do you have a website? What is the purpose of this page?


  • Do you have a specific goal or conversion to achieve?


  • Are you losing a user at a certain point in the conversion process?


  • How do you optimise the page to ensure you are capturing every possible conversion?


If you don’t know the answers to these questions you are in trouble and should seriously consider contacting an expert to handle things for you.

What are your business goals?

You need defined business goals

2. Content

Content is king.


Content should be well thought out with a Content Strategy and each page should have a purpose.


The content should be concise and optimised for search engines and rich with your targeted key words.


The design of the page should compliment the core content of the page. As a process, ideally the content comes before the design phase.


Ask yourself:


  • Is it accessible for people with disability and screen readers?


  • Have you thought about mobile devices? If you haven’t, your already falling down the search engine rankings.

Remember you have a lot less space to play with on a mobile so your content has to be prioritised.


Written Content is King.

Having relevant, well written content is vital. Start collating and refining your content right away.


3. Design

Design is Queen.


The design of your website should display your key content in a way that is user friendly and elegant in its simplicity.


We want your customers and users to experience your brand and website in a way that leaves them going WOW.





4. Testing

Ah, the often over looked Jack of spades.


It’s disappointing to see that User testing is frequently overlooked in the digital and website industry.


If your users cant navigate the site easily won’t they lose patience and move on?

We believe so, that’s why we user test ALL of our projects.


We also utilise tracking software like Google analytics to ensure your target audience is actively engaged and achieving the goals we set together.


We believe in continuous improvement and offer services where we can optimise your page every 30, 60 or 90 days to further increase conversion rates.

User Experience Design and Elements

Factor in all of the important user experience elements


User testing provides quality feedback

User testing and feedback is important to ensure you are meeting your goals and providing a quality experience


5. Quality


We have a robust Quality Assurance process that we run over every project prior to launch. This will ensure your website meets the latest in Web Accessibility and Coding standards as set by the World Wide Web Consortium.

HTML5 and CSS3

We utilise the latest in web technologies with HTML 5 and CSS 3 as standard.


6. Training


A website isn’t just for Christmas Day. Your website content needs to be updated regularly to stay relevant and achieve consistently high rankings in Google. That’s why we will provide full website training so you can add text, photos and videos from any device you have, even from the comfort of your office or living room.

CMS Training

Part of our package includes a 1 on 1 training session to show you how to update your new website.


7. Launch



We believe in celebrating success and will personally call or meet with you when it comes to launch day.

Project launch

We wait for your OK before officially launching the completed project